2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO)
March 24-25, 2012
Seaside Park, Ventura, California
Halter Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson
Fleece Judge: Wini Labrecque
Walking Fleece Show - Judge: Wini Labrecque
1st Place, 38'S RENDEZVOUS NS - 2012 IAO - Walking Fleece, Huacaya Weanling - Grey (Class of 4)(Judge: Wini Labrecque)
1st Place, NEVERSUMMER'S COWGIRL - 2012 IAO – Walking Fleece, Huacaya Yearling - Grey (Class of 7)(Judge: Wini Labrecque)
2nd Place, NEVERSUMMER'S BERTIE LOU - 2012 IAO - Walking Fleece, Huacaya Weanling - Dark (Class of 8)(Judge: Wini Labrecque)
3rd Place, ESTATES KEIKO MATSUI - 2012 IAO - Walking Fleece, Huacaya Weanling - Dark (Class of 8)(Judge: Wini Labrecque)*2nd Place was our NeverSummer's Bertie Lou
4th Place, ANDEAN'S PEGASUS OF COUNTRY ESTATES - 2012 IAO – Walking Fleece, Huacaya Yearling - Dark (Class of 7)(Judge: Wini Labrecque)
4th Place, JANUS' BLUE CRYSTAL - 2012 IAO – Walking Fleece, Huacaya Yearling - Grey (Class of 7)(Judge: Wini Labrecque)
4th Place, JANUS' SIGNATURE DIAMOND - 2012 IAO - Walking Fleece, Huacaya Weanling - Grey (Class of 4)(Judge: Wini Labrecque)
6th Place, NEVERSUMMER'S LUCILLE - 2012 IAO – Walking Fleece, Huacaya Yearling - Dark (Class of 7)(Judge: Wini Labrecque)
Cottage Halter Show - Judges: Wade Gease & Wini Labrecque
Color Champion, NEVERSUMMER'S LUCILLE - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) -Cottage Halter, Huacaya Female Championship – Dark (Class of 3)(Judges: Wade Gease & Wini Labrecque)
Reserve Champion, 38'S RENDEZVOUS NS - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) -Cottage Halter, Huacaya Male Championship – Grey (Class of 7)(Judges: Wade Gease & Wini Labrecque)
1st Place, 38'S RENDEZVOUS NS - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) -Cottage Halter, Huacaya Male Weanling – Grey (Class of 2)(Judges: Wade Gease & Wini Labrecque)
1st Place, NEVERSUMMER'S COWGIRL - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) -Cottage Halter, Huacaya Female Yearling – Grey (Class of 5)(Judges: Wade Gease & Wini Labrecque)
1st Place, NEVERSUMMER'S LUCILLE - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) -Cottage Halter, Huacaya Female Yearling – Dark (Class of 1)(Judges: Wade Gease & Wini Labrecque)
4th Place, JANUS' BLUE CRYSTAL - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) -Cottage Halter, Huacaya Female Yearling – Grey (Class of 5)(Judges: Wade Gease & Wini Labrecque)
Commercial Halter/Production Show - Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson
Color Champion, ANDEAN'S PEGASUS OF COUNTRY ESTATES - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Male Championship – Dark (Class of 3)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
Color Champion, ESTATES MENDELSSOHN - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Male Championship – Black (Class of 4)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
Color Champion, JANUS' BLUE CRYSTAL - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Championship – Grey (Class of 5)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
Color Champion, JANUS' HIDDEN KEY - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Championship – Brown (Class of 8)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
Color Champion, NEVERSUMMER'S BERTIE LOU - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Championship – Dark (Class of 3)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
Color Champion, NEVERSUMMER'S LUCILLE - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Championship – Black (Class of 5)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
Reserve Champion, ESTATES KEIKO MATSUI - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Championship – Dark (Class of 3)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson) *Color Champion was ranch mate NeverSummer’s Bertie Lou
Reserve Champion, ESTATES SCARLET WINGS - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Championship – Grey (Class of 5)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson) *Color Champion was ranch mate Janus’ Blue Crystal
Reserve Champion, NANJING - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Male Championship – Black (Class of 4)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson) *Color Champion was ranch mate Estates Mendelssohn
Reserve Champion, NEVERSUMMER'S ABIGAIL - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Championship – Brown (Class of 8)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
Reserve Champion, PREMIER'S COALETTE - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Championship – Black (Class of 5)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
1st Place, ANDEAN'S PEGASUS OF COUNTRY ESTATES - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Male Yearling – Dark (Class of 2)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
1st Place, ESTATES MENDELSSOHN - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Male Weanling – Black (Class of 3)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
1st Place, ESTATES MYSTICAL MONIQUE - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Weanling – Black (Class of 2)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
1st Place, ESTATES SCARLET WINGS - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Weanling – Grey (Class of 3)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
1st Place, GB ANDEAN HEIRLOOM - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Prime – Black (Class of 1)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
1st Place, JANUS' BLUE CRYSTAL - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Yearling – Grey (Class of 2)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
1st Place, JANUS' HIDDEN KEY - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Weanling – Brown (Class of 4)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
1st Place, JANUS' SIGNATURE CLASS - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Male Weanling – Grey (Class of 3)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
1st Place, NEVERSUMMER'S ABIGAIL - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Yearling – Brown (Class of 4)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
1st Place, NEVERSUMMER'S BERTIE LOU - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Weanling – Dark (Class of 3)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
1st Place, NEVERSUMMER'S LUCILLE - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Yearling – Black (Class of 2)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
2nd Place, ESTATES KEIKO MATSUI - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Weanling – Dark (Class of 3)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson) *1st & Color Champ was ranch mate NeverSummer’s Bertie Lou
2nd Place, NANJING - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Male Weanling – Black (Class of 3)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson) *1st & Color Champion was ranch mate Estates Mendelssohn
2nd Place, NS MAGIC FLIGHT - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Male Weanling – Grey (Class of 3)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson) *1st Place was ranch mate Janus’ Signature Class
2nd Place, PREMIER'S COALETTE - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Yearling – Black (Class of 2)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson) *1st & Color Champion was ranch mate NeverSummer’s Lucille
3rd Place, ESTATES ROMANTIC DANUBE - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Weanling – Dark (Class of 3)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson) *1st & 2nd Place were ranch mates and won Color & Reserve Championship Banners
3rd Place, JANUS' SIGNATURE DIAMOND - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya (Class of 3)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
3rd Place, SNOWMASS ESCALADA - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Weanling - Bright White (Class of 9)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
3rd Place, SNOWMASS SILKY ILLUSIONS - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Female Weanling – Fawn (Class of 4)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
3rd Place, SNOWMASS SILKY RIVER - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Male Weanling – Cremello (Class of 5)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
4th Place, CHIEF GREY FEATHER - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Male Yearling - Grey (Class of 6)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)
4th Place, SNOWMASS MATRIX MIDNIGHT MAJESTY - 2012 International Alpaca Odyssey (IAO) - Commercial Halter, Huacaya Male Weanling – Brown (Class of 4)(Judges: Ruth Elvestad & Jenny Jackson)